Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DECEMBER 7 2008 - Monticello Flood

I wake up and hear about torrential rains forecast for Monticello, NY. My parents ask me to go check on the house upstate. I jump in my brand new car and pick up my sister. She is impressed by the car, which has a Hemi engine (V8 I suppose) so very powerful (very much like my rental in San Diego). For some reason she does not come with me.

So I drive upstate alone. When I get off at the exit, I proceed toward the house. As I get closer, crossing over the Silbert’s creek, there is a flash flood – water is rising. I try to drive up the last little hill with my powerful Hemi-powered car. I veer to the right because I think I see a way to get through but the water quickly is becoming too deep. I get out of the car – it is stuck, I suppose, and try to walk/wade/swim the rest of the way. I see 2 women doing the same thing, and the call out to me and tell me to follow them – more to the left than I had been. I follow them and able to get to ankle-deep water and proceed up the hill.

Then I woke up.

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